Monthly Archives: December 2016

Words for Woeful Wednesday, #5 & #6

#5, for 12/21/16

At Winter’s Solstice

Darkness gives way to the light.

This year, it lingers.


 #6, for 12/28/16

Not yet New Year’s Day:

My resolutions were made

On Election Eve.

Words for a Woeful Wednesday #4


What we know is:

He did it.

We know how

(The rope, the ceiling)

Not why life’s center

Slipped beyond his grasp


Did he leave with it on his shoulders,

Or  on the backs of others?

Words for a Woeful Wednesday #3

About last Wednesday

I had ideas —

Lots of them,

In flight and vicious:



Vampire bats,

Green bottle flies.

Flapping their wings

Buzzing, hissing

Snapping at each other.

Even at the end

As they sank into the darkness

Too exhausted to fly,

Their malice was not so spent

As to recommend a close encounter

I had ideas,

But no words for last Wednesday